We’ve always been obsessed with archives. If you’re music heads like us, you may remember this photo of Mixmaster Morris and Richard D. James aka Aphex Twin from back in the day, where Morris is rocking the iconic Rising High merch “Faceless Techno Bollocks” shirt, a nod to the shear volume of anonymous whitelabel tracks that were flowing through the UK underground at that time. With the blessing of Mixmaster Morris (sadly, Caspar the owner of Rising High is no longer with us), we’ve brought back this poignant statement t-shirt. Today its meaning is as relevant as ever, but the context has been flipped on its head and now transcends music or geography, encompassing the density of information at large. In an age where social media and visibility is king, we sometimes romanticize a time where things were renegade and visionaries created experiences that united us all. This is our homage to those heroes, and most of all, that feeling.